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Domain Events

Domain Events

  DrUalcman |  abril 182024

We could say that in a software architecture there are mainly 2 types of domain events:

  • Integration Events
  • Domain Events

Although the first one does not seem to be a domain event, it is also found as a domain event within a domain-oriented architecture such as DDD for example.

Integration Events

In software architecture, a domain event (also known as a domain event message or simply an event) is an important concept in domain-driven design (DDD). It represents something that has happened in the domain that the system is responsible for. Here’s a more detailed explanation:

Key Aspects of Domain Events:

  1. Domain-Driven Design (DDD) Context: In DDD, the focus is on the core domain and the logic that drives it. Domain events help in capturing and communicating significant occurrences within the domain.
  2. Representation of Significant Events: A domain event represents a significant event that has occurred within the domain. For example, in an e-commerce system, events could include "OrderPlaced", "PaymentProcessed", or "ProductShipped".
  3. Immutable and Historical: Domain events are immutable, meaning once they are created, they cannot be changed. They represent something that has already happened, and thus serve as a historical record.
  4. Communication Between Bounded Contexts: Domain events are often used to communicate between different bounded contexts within a system. This can be within the same application or across different services in a microservices architecture.
  5. Event Handling: When a domain event occurs, it can trigger various actions or workflows. Event handlers or subscribers listen for these events and execute corresponding business logic. This decouples the logic that generates the event from the logic that handles the event.
  6. Event Sourcing: In event sourcing, the state of an entity is derived from a series of domain events rather than a current state. This provides a full audit trail and allows for rebuilding the state by replaying events.

Example of a Domain Event:

Consider an e-commerce system where an order can be placed. When an order is placed, an OrderPlaced event can be published.

public class OrderPlaced : IDomainEvent
    public Guid OrderId { get; }
    public DateTime OrderDate { get; }
    public string CustomerId { get; }
    public List Items { get; }
    public OrderPlaced(Guid orderId, DateTime orderDate, string customerId, List items)
        OrderId = orderId;
        OrderDate = orderDate;
        CustomerId = customerId;
        Items = items;

Benefits of Using Domain Events:

  1. Decoupling: Producers of events are decoupled from consumers. The producer does not need to know who will handle the event.
  2. Scalability: Allows systems to scale by handling events asynchronously and distributing workloads.
  3. Flexibility: New functionality can be added by simply subscribing to existing events without changing the code that raises the events.
  4. Auditability: Provides a clear audit trail of what has happened in the system.

Implementing Domain Events:

  1. Raising Events: Domain entities raise events when something significant happens.
  2. Publishing Events: Events are typically published to an event bus or message broker.
  3. Handling Events: Event handlers listen for events and execute business logic in response.

Example Workflow:

  1. Order Service: When an order is placed, the OrderService raises an OrderPlaced event.
  2. Event Bus: The event is published to an event bus.
  3. Event Handlers: Different services subscribe to the OrderPlaced event and perform actions like inventory updates, sending confirmation emails, etc.

By using domain events, systems can be designed to be more modular, maintainable, and scalable, making it easier to manage complex business logic and interactions within the domain.

Domain Events

When the event is only inside the same part of the software, it is still called a domain event. Domain events are primarily concerned with capturing and reflecting significant business occurrences within a single bounded context or aggregate. Let's delve deeper into how domain events work within a single part of the software:

Domain Events within a Single Bounded Context

In this scenario, domain events are used to:

  1. Capture Significant Business Events: They represent important business occurrences within the domain, such as "CustomerRegistered" or "ItemAddedToOrder."
  2. Maintain Business Logic and State: They ensure that all the necessary business rules and logic are executed when an event occurs, maintaining the integrity and consistency of the domain.
  3. Decoupling Business Logic: They help decouple different parts of the business logic within the same bounded context. For example, placing an order might trigger several processes like inventory checks, sending confirmation emails, and logging the event.

Example of Domain Event Handling within a Bounded Context

1. Raising a Domain Event:

In a typical domain model, entities or aggregates raise domain events when significant things happen.

public class Order
    public Guid Id { get; private set; }
    public DateTime OrderDate { get; private set; }
    public List Items { get; private set; }
    // List to store domain events
    private List _domainEvents = new List();
    public IReadOnlyCollection DomainEvents => _domainEvents.AsReadOnly();
    public void AddItem(OrderItem item)
        _domainEvents.Add(new ItemAddedToOrder(Id, item));
    // Method to clear domain events after they have been processed
    public void ClearDomainEvents() => _domainEvents.Clear();

2. Domain Event Class:

A domain event class represents the event.

public class ItemAddedToOrder : IDomainEvent
    public Guid OrderId { get; }
    public OrderItem Item { get; }
    public ItemAddedToOrder(Guid orderId, OrderItem item)
        OrderId = orderId;
        Item = item;

3. Handling Domain Events:

Domain event handlers process the events.

public class ItemAddedToOrderHandler : IDomainEventHandler
    public void Handle(ItemAddedToOrder domainEvent)
        // Implement business logic for handling the event
        // For example, update inventory, log the event, etc.
        Console.WriteLine($"Item added to order: {domainEvent.OrderId}");

4. Processing Domain Events:

A service or repository can be responsible for processing the domain events.

public class OrderService
    private readonly IOrderRepository _orderRepository;
    private readonly IDomainEventDispatcher _eventDispatcher;
    public OrderService(IOrderRepository orderRepository, IDomainEventDispatcher eventDispatcher)
        _orderRepository = orderRepository;
        _eventDispatcher = eventDispatcher;
    public void AddItemToOrder(Guid orderId, OrderItem item)
        var order = _orderRepository.GetById(orderId);
        // Dispatch domain events
        foreach (var domainEvent in order.DomainEvents)
        // Clear domain events after dispatching

public class DomainEventDispatcher : IDomainEventDispatcher
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;

public DomainEventDispatcher(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;

public void Dispatch(TDomainEvent domainEvent) where TDomainEvent : IDomainEvent
var handlers = _serviceProvider.GetServices>();

foreach (var handler in handlers)

Benefits of Using Domain Events within a Bounded Context:

  1. Encapsulation: Domain events help encapsulate the business logic within aggregates, making the model more robust and maintainable.
  2. Decoupling: They allow different parts of the domain model to react to events without being tightly coupled.
  3. Consistency: They ensure that all necessary actions related to a business event are executed, maintaining the consistency of the domain model.
  4. Testability: Domain events make it easier to test business logic by allowing you to simulate events and verify that the appropriate handlers are invoked.

In summary, domain events within a single bounded context capture and handle significant business occurrences, promoting a clear and maintainable separation of concerns within the domain model.


Remember that this is just one way of doing things, and that the code is from ChatGpt due to lack of time, I fell behind and had to do 5 pending month-long blogs, there may be other implementations or ways of doing this.

Happy Coding

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